Thursday 6 March 2008

Character Profile: Bialar

BialarBialar Crais. Ex-Peacekeeper Captain. He is both captain and mentor to Talyn, the hybrid of senitent Leviathan vessel and Peacekeeper technology, bonded by means of a neural link.

Before Talyn was lobotomised by Xhalax Sun, he was a formidable ship capable of Starburst - a faster-than-light jump - and with an arsenal of powerful weaponry. With Crais and his years of military training at the helm, they were force to be reckoned with.

The beginning of On the Other Side is actually the last scenes of Wolf in Sheep's Clothing. Having gone to Scorpius in an attempt to get help from the increasingly unstable Talyn, Crais finds himself in a corner with only death as a possible escape. With Scorpius about to get his hands on the very dangerous wormhole technology, Crais opts to take his own way out and boards Talyn in what, canonally, is one last time.

Starbursting in the confines of the hanger sets off a chain reaction that eventually destroys Scorpius' spaceship. Approximately half those aboard manage to escape, including Crais' some-time allies, and Scorpius. The wormhole research is successfully obliterated.

And that is where his story is supposed to end. Only it doesn't...

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