Wednesday, 27 February 2008

So I got this far...

Now what do I do?

Hm. Regale people with the fascinating details of my life? Um, don't think so! This is mainly because my life is not fascinating.

So why a blog? Because I have several things planned which might be fascinating. Like a train wreck is.

Firstly, I'm a writer. I'm not bad at it. What I am bad at is finishing things. I have two publishable projects for 2008 - Out of Time and an as-yet-untitled fiction.

Secondly, I have a 1982 Series III Land Rover which is 90% complete. Given I haven't passed my test yet and I like to go greenlaning - yeah, there'll be something to post on that.

Finally, is the vaguely long-term project which is our move to Canada. We'll see how that goes. So far it's just a twinkle of a distant star.

1 comment:

Rinelle said...

You are DEFINATELY not a bad writer. In fact, I'd go so far as to say you're a very good writer! Looking forward to seeing Out of Time finished, and to hearing about the new novel idea.